Soil, Sediments and Sludge

The technical team of Gruppo C.S.A. performs investigations on soil, subsoil, excavated rocks, and sediments to detect the presence of any pollutants and/or assess soil health and productivity.

Contaminated soils are analysed by means of two on-site mobile units, which can provide real-time data for land restoration purposes.

Subsoil and Soil

Our technicians carry out soil and subsoil investigations for the land recovery of disused industrial areas or illegal waste burial sites.

All the samples collected are analysed by our accredited laboratories and compared with the thresholds specified in Legislative Decree No. 152/2006, Ministerial Decree No. 471 of 25 October 1999, and the relevant regional regulations.

The samples can be tested for the following pollutants: Metals
Asbestos, Organotin compounds, Chlorine compounds, Pesticides, Chlorophenols and phenols, Polychlorinated biphenyls, Hydrocarbons C<12, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons,Dioxins, Furans and Dioxin-like PCBs.


Excavated Rocks

Our accredited specialists analyse excavated rocks and soils to ensure that they are reused or disposed of as set out in Presidential Decree 120/2017.

River and Marine Sediments

Our technical staff also analyses marine and river sediments to assess whether the relevant environmental quality standards are met, in accordance with the applicable regulations (Ministerial Decree No. 173/2016).

The sampling and analysis of sediments allows us to develop the most appropriate monitoring plan and detect the presence of:

  • Minerals
  • Hydrocarbons C>12
  • Polychlorinated biphenyls
  • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
  • Pesticides
  • Organotin compounds
  • Metals and trace elements
  • Dioxins, Furans, and Dioxin-like PCBs
  • Ecotoxicological tests.

    Agronomic Soil Testing

    Our labs also test land intended for agricultural purposes to assess soil fertility.

    Analysis of Sewage Sludge in Agriculture

    Gruppo C.S.A analyses sewage sludge, a product of wastewater treatment, in accordance with Legislative Decree 99/92 and Regional Regulation DGR 326/2019 “Urgent provisions on the agricultural use of sewage sludge”.

    The regulation establishes rules for the use of sewage sludge in agriculture and sets limit values for heavy metals and pollutants in soil to which sludge is applied.

    We perform laboratory tests to determine the chemical and microbiological composition of sludge and classify it accordingly.

    Analysis of Fertilisers, Soil Conditioners, and Compost from Composting Plants

    Last but not least, Gruppo C.S.A. carries out sampling of fertilisers and compost in accordance with Law 748/84 (New Provisions on Fertilisers) as subsequently amended and supplemented by Legislative Decree 217/2006.

    When analysing compost, soil conditioners, and biostabilised waste, we also perform qualitative tests such as respirometric tests to assess compost stability.

    Gruppo C.S.A. has become a reliable and trusted partner for companies operating in the waste management sector and composting sector who seek to determine the respiration index.

    We recreate the conditions at which organic waste is treated to evaluate the biological stability of each product according to its intended use.

    Our highly qualified technicians use 18 reactors in line with the UNI 11184 method to perform multiple tests on the same sample, using different operating parameters if necessary.

    We can also determine the Static respiration index. (UNI 10780:1998 App M).

    All of our practices are accredited by Accredia.

    Contact our lab for more information

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